
Resolve to Reduce, Reuse & Recycle

This year, make a New Year’s resolution worth keeping. Start in your yard by reducing, reusing and recycling. Of course, our Garden Tips are geared toward helping you reduce your water footprint while still maintaining a great yard. Here are some other ideas to save water, money, and keep your New Year’s resolution.

Reduce: How low can you go? The weekly watering recommendations you receive in this newsletter are determined for full sun grass on 4 or more inches of soil. Your established bedding plants and trees need much less. If you have a permanent irrigation system, set it to manual and use it only as needed to reduce your water foot print even more.

Reuse: Here’s a good excuse to not bag leaves. Instead of purchasing mulch, follow Mother Nature’s lead and leave leaves where they fall. You can use a mulching lawnmower to fertilize your grass or just rake them over to your beds to use as mulch. Live oak leaves – with their glossy texture (even when they’re dry) – make beautiful mulch that’s long-lasting.

Recycle: Homemade compost not only benefits your garden, but also keeps useful material out of the landfill. San Antonio’s hot, humid climate makes it easy to compost your vegetable scraps such as peelings and citrus rinds. Also, egg shells and coffee grounds are great for both your garden and compost pile.

Picture of Dana Nichols
Dana Nichols
As conservation manager at SAWS, Dana spent her days promoting beautiful San Antonio landscapes that need little to no water while benefiting Texas wildlife. While she’s no longer whipping up new landscape programs, she’s still cooking up delicious dinners made with fresh herbs from her low-water-use garden or planning the next trip with her husband, Rick -- preferably to some exotic place that requires a passport.
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